#Simple Actions, Big Inspiration#


I have a big board exam coming up, the final step to obtaining my US Medical License, and I have been procrastinating like nobody’s business. I’ve come up with a thousand excuses, found a thousand loop holes, but when it comes down to it, they all mean nothin’. Bottomline: I have to study, but I am too lazy to sit down and do it. Period.

All of a sudden I came across this photograph and, in one simple moment, I was humbled. Joyce Torrefranca, a medical student in the Phillipines, captured a little boy named Daniel Cabrera, doing his homework in the street by the light of a McDonalds restaurant. Daniel and his mother are homeless, and after his father died and his house burned down, Daniel and his mother can be seen begging to survive.

But despite all that hardship, Daniel still makes time to finish his homework and attend and participate in school. This is amazing! I am humbled and inspired and awed all at the same.

To read the full article check out this linkhttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/philippines/11728099/Homeless-boy-using-McDonalds-light-to-do-homework-proves-inspirational.html

Thank you Daniel!

LoveUntitled @_@

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